
1 min readJan 11, 2021


Come to me

Like you do when you hold that rifle between your legs

Let me ride you

Feeling so powerful under your shield

Your mask that blacks you out of my mind

Because you are not memorable.

You are sad

You are sad

to watch


Riding my bike I see my years go by.

Before your sounds blocked mine

My body clenched

Destroying my youth

Your teeth stinging

How are you?

I am good. How about

I couldn’t see through

I couldn’t feel but the scooter driving by me

But i am French. I am European. Actually I am

Look at my breasts.


Perked or saggy

Look at my lips kissing your messiah

Is he gay or manly?

Because I imagine him between my lips driving me towards



That shocks you does it?

Live épicurien?

My mouth shouts things

Yes For my liberty my dear is something you cannot take

Not even

When you shoot a bullet

At my face.


